The digital compact was such a refreshing experience that I was quickly hooked! It took me a couple of years to outgrow it and move to the next camera, a Sony again ( seen in the picture to the right ). Again, a great camera, lots of pictures and lots of memories stored. However, something was missing.

I am still shooting my D300 90% of the time I am going to meet friends, or have a shooting assingment. However, I always carry one of the film cameras over my shoulder on my way to work, or coming back. I even got a scanner ( Epson V500 ) to scan the film myself.
Anyway, I just got back my first roll of Fuji Velvia 50, the standard in professional landscapes from what I am reading. I was blown away by the vivid colours and fine grain.
Here are a couple test shots... Enjoy!

I will review my gear in future posts.
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