I have tried a variety of subjects and settings for taking photos. I have shot two marriages ( not as the official photographer ), I have tried macro, spent some time on wildlife and general portraiture. Lately, I am fascinated by colour and shape.

Macro is a league of its own. I got a macro lens for Christmas last year ( my girlfriend still mentions it, as it was quite an expensive lens and she doesn't see it often ). This lens is for special occasions: portraits and shots of small things. Here are a few small subjects:
I took the next shots at Wisley Gardens, which is a botanological park close to London. It has a large tropical glass-house, which during winter is more or less the only part of the park with any flowers. In order to attract more visitors, the management bought and released in the glass-house thousands of butterflies.

This red butterfly was actually black and white on the outside.
Here is a crop from the center of the image. Spooky!
In the next post, I will show more of the macro lens for portraiture, as well as some wedding and landscape work. See you later!
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